Elevation Sports Medicine Clinic
Elevation Sports Medicine Clinic 

Surgery and Post Operation

Were you told that you need surgery? Would you like a second opinion?*


If you were told you needed surgery and you are looking to possibly avoid it, we offer complimentary consultations to determine if there is an alternative form of medicine that would work better. 


Common Conditions for Surgery Second Opinion Consults: 

  • Herniatons
  • Arthritis
  • Disc Degeneration
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • TMJ Syndrome
  • Tendonitis
  • Plantar Fasciitis


*We recognize surgery is sometimes necessary. There are certainly skilled surgeons that can help you; in fact we have referred some of our patients for surgery consultations after finding serious conditions. 


We also know that rehabilitation and therapy can serve as preventitive measures where surgery is no longer needed. Call or text Dr. J at 303-521-0130 to schedule a complimentary consultation, or feel free to email us at contact@elevation.sportsmed.com.


Note: Dr. J will need access to any existing Personal Health Information (PHI) regarding the condition (any imaging studies or test such as MRI, X-ray, etc.). Contact the facility where the study took place, and have them mail the results to our office. You may also pick up your PHI from your health provider and bring it to your visit. 

Need an Appointment?

  Text (or call) us at:  

 +1 303 521-0130+1 303 521-0130


Elevation Sports Medicine 


Office, DTC:

6841 S. Yosemite Street #105

Centennial, CO 80112


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