If you suspect, or were told, your child has ADD, ADHD, or Autism, functional medicine protocol and functional nutrition can help improve their quality of life. This can lead to an improvment in their home and classroom behavior.
Foods they are sensitive to, or allergic to, can be pro-inflammatory to the brain. This will provoke their nervous system, making their behavior and condition worse.
At our clinic, we will test for food allergies / sensitivities, and test for thalamic relay deficiencies to the brain. At that point in therapy, we will use non-invasive, functional and hands on treatments to help them thrive.
In addition, some of these protocols will require nutraceuticals, nutritional and lifestyle changes.
Please call or text us at 303-521-0130 for a phone consultation to see if we can help you or your child.
Check out this document on ADD / ADHD: